Friday 13 March 2020

Question Bank - Part 1

Strategic Management

Q 1. Strategic Management Process
Q 2. Corporate Level Strategy
Q 3. Business Level Strategic / Strategic Business Unit (SBU) Strategy
Q 4. Functional (Operational) Level Strategies
Q 5. Benefits of Strategic Management
Q 6. Components / Parts of Business Environment
Q 7. Corporate Restructuring
Q 8. Need for Corporate Restructuring
Q 9. Forms of Corporate Restructuring
Q 10. Corporate Portfolio Analysis
Q 11. Corporate Renewal
Q 12. Strategic / Organization Change
Q 13. Management of Strategics & Culture
Q 14. Strategies for Foreign Direct Investment
Q 15. Strategies for competing in International Markets
Q 16. Outsourcing
Q 17. Management Information System (MIS)
Q 18. Re-Engineering Business Process
Q 19. Virtual Company Strategies
Q 20. Knowledge creating company
Q 21. Emerging Strategies in Tele-Communication Sector
Q 22. Disaster Management
Q 23. Disaster Management Strategies in Global Context.
Q 24. Various Aspect of Disaster Management
Q 25. Strategic ways of Managing Disaster at the National, State, District levels in India.
Q 26. Challenges of Disaster Management & Governance in India
Q 27. Economic Losses due to disaster - Issues & Strategies 
Q 28. Consequences occurred due to Disaster
Q 29. Strategies for preventing Disaster & Preparedness Measures
Q 30. Strategies to cope with Disaster
Q 31. Types / Structures of Strategic Alliances
Q 32. Forms of Strategic Alliances
Q 33. Problems in India Strategic Alliances
Q 34. Corporate Level Strategy
Q 35. Relationship between International Strategy & Corporate Strategy
Q 36. Corporate Governance Principles & Practices in India.
Q 37. Corporate Governance Objectives
Q 38. Corporate Governance Practices around the world.
Q 39. Strategies for Growing Green Economics
Q 40. Strategies for Governing Public Private Participation (PPP) of Business Sector in India.
Q 41. Forms of PPP
Q 42. Strategies of Linking CSR with Profit & Sustainability for obtaining Business benefits
Q 43. Strategies for Environmental Accounting & Auditing 

Check my YouTube video on Strategic Management for more detail


Q 1. Effects of Tariff
Q 2. Impact of Tariff Barrier
Q 3. Non Tariff Barrier
Q 4. Types of Non Tariff Barrier
Q 5. Effects of Non Tariff Barrier
Q 6. Miscellaneous Protection Techniques
Q 7. Types of Economic Integration
Q 8. Economic Union (EU)
Q 9. North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
Q 10. Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC)
Q 11. Association of South East Asian Nation (ASEAN)
Q 12. South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation (SAARC)
Q 13. Regionalism vs Multilateralism
Q 14. Controversies in Trade Policy with Environment
Q 15. Agreement on Agriculture (AOA)
Q 16. Trends in Global Trade
Q 17. Contentious issue in Global trade
Q 18. Dispute Settlement Mechanism
Q 19. Role, Global implications, Global Repercussion of Foreign Trade Multiplier
Q 20. External & Internal Balance
Q 21. Expenditure Changing Policies
Q 22. Expenditure Switching Policies
Q 23. Mundell - Fleming Model
Q 24. Role of Monetary Policy in BOP
Q 25. Working of Foreign Trade Multiplier
Q 26. Exchange Rate Systems
Q 27. Fixed exchange Rate Systems
Q 28. Flexible Exchange Rate Systems
Q 29. Arguments for Flexible Exchange Rate
Q 30. Currencies
Q 31. Types of Currency Convertibility
Q 32. Importance of Foreign Exchange Reserve
Q 33. Exchange Risk
Q 34. Global linkage of Foreign Exchange Market
Q 35. Euro - Dollar Market
Q 36. Features of Euro - Dollar Market
Q 37. Factors contributing to the growth of Euro - Dollar Market
Q 38. Trends in Labour Migration
Q 39. Effects of International Labour Migration
Q 40. Types of Foreign Capital Movements
Q 41. Determinants of International Capital Movements
Q 42. Causes of International Labour Migration
Q 43. Impact of Foreign Capital
Q 44. Role of Foreign Capital
Q 45. Characteristics of Multinational Companies (MNCs)
Q 46. Role of MNCs
Q 47. Merits & Demerits of MNCs
Q 48. Objectives & Functions of International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Q 49. Changing role of IMF

Check my YouTube video on Economics for more detail

Human Resources Management

Q 1. Objective of Human Resources Department
Q 2. Structure of Human Resources Department
Q 3. Importance of of Human Resources Management
Q 4. Environmental Influence on HRM
Q 5. HRM practices in Global setting
Q 6. Steps / Process of Human Resources Planning
Q 7. Factor affecting HRP
Q 8. Issues in HRP
Q 9. Job Analysis
Q 10. Components of Job Analysis
Q 11. Process / Steps in Job Analysis
Q 12. Induction & Placement of New Recruits
Q 13. Sources of Recruitment
Q 14. Role of Recruitment Agencies
Q 15. Selection Procedure
Q 16. Importance of Placement
Q 17. Tools of Selection
Q 18. Objectives of Performance Appraisal
Q 19. Methods / Technique of Performance Appraisal
Q 20. Problems/Limitations of Performance Appraisal
Q 21. Ethical Aspects of Performance Appraisal
Q 22. Knowledge Enrichment
Q 23. Management Development Programme (MDP)
Q 24. Objective/Principle of Training Program
Q 25. Process of Designing a Training Program
Q 26. Various Challenges faced by Trainer
Q 27. Self Development Mechanism
Q 28. Steps/Elements of Succession Planning
Q 29. Need & Importance of Succession Planning
Q 30. Issues/Problems in Succession Planning & Solution
Q 31. Grievance Procedure
Q 32. Importance factors in Succession Planning
Q 33. Resolving Dispute
Q 34. Health & Safety Measures
Q 35. Causes of Stress
Q 36. Coping with Stress
Q 37. Effects of Stress
Q 38. Various ways of Managing Stress
Q 39. Impact on Job Performance
Q 40. Work Life Balance
Q 41. Corporate Restructuring
Q 42. HRM in context of Corporate Social Responsibility
Q 43. Employee Incentive Schemes

Check my YouTube video on Human Resources Management for more detail

Marketing Strategies & Plans

Q 1. Significance of Marketing Strategies
Q 2. Three Level Strategy
Q 3. Essential of Good Marketing Strategies
Q 4. Developing Marketing Strategies & Plan
Q 5. Internal / External Environment Analysis
Q 6. Components of Management Information System
Q 7. Porter's Five Forces Model
Q 8. Process of Marketing Research
Q 9. Need for Marketing Research
Q 10. Customer Loyalty
Q 11. Customer Lifetime Value
Q 12. Customer Perceived Value
Q 13. Customer Satisfaction
Q 14. Measuring Customer Satisfaction
Q 15. Ways of Increasing Value of the Customer base
Q 16. Process of Attracting & Retaining Customer
Q 17. Customer Relationship Management
Q 18. Customer Base
Q 19. Designing Competitive Strategies
Q 20. Role of Brands
Q 21. Brand Loyalty
Q 22. Brand Preference
Q 23. Brand Equity
Q 24. Brand Elements
Q 25. Product Life Cycle
Q 26. Consumer Adoption Process
Q 27. Process of New Product Development
Q 28. Factors contributing for New Product Development
Q 29. Challenges in New Product Development
Q 30. Pricing Strategies
Q 31. Process of Setting a Price
Q 32. Retailing
Q 33. Function of Retailers
Q 34. Wholesaling
Q 35. Functions of Wholesaler
Q 36. Logistics
Q 37. Market Logistics Decision
Q 38. Channel Decision
Q 39. Components / Tools of Integrated Market Communication
Q 40. Steps involved in Framing Integrated Market Communication
Q 41. Elements of Integrated Market Communication Mix
Q 42. Sales Promotion
Q 43. Personal Selling
Q 44. Public Relation & Publicity
Q 45. Direct Marketing
Q 46. Social Marketing
Q 47. Advertising 
Q 48. Use of Technology in Marketing
Q 49. New Consumer & Company Capabilities
Q 50. Creating Market & Customer Focused Company
Q 51. Marketing Control
Q 52. Types of Structure of Marketing Department

Check my YouTube video on Marketing Strategies & Plan for more detail

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