Wednesday 4 March 2020

Question Bank - Part 2

Research Methodology

Q 1. Objective of Research Methodology
Q 2. Importance of Research Methodology
Q 3. Nature & Scope of Research Methodology
Q 4. Types of Research
Q 5. Need of Research
Q 6. Steps in Scientific Research
Q 7. Process  of Scientific Research
Q 8. Scope of Social Science Research
Q 9. Need & Importance of Research Design
Q 10. Feature  of Research Design
Q 11. Components & Sources of Research Problem
Q 12. Steps in formulation of Research Problem
Q 13. Types of Hypothesis
Q 14. Sources of Hypothesis
Q 15. Importance of Hypothesis
Q 16. Types of Questionnaire Design
Q 17. Stages of Questionnaire Design
Q 18. Importance of Questionnaire Design
Q 19. Methods of Data Collection
Q 20. Advantages & Limitations of Primary data & Secondary Data
Q 21. Importance of Primary & Secondary Data
Q 22. Stages of Data Processing
Q 23. Importance of Data Processing
Q 24. Problems of Data Processing
Q 25. Characteristics & Function of Report Writing
Q 26. Types of Report Writing
Q 27. Format / Structure / Layout of Research Report
Q 28. Principals of Research Report
Q 29. Steps of Report Report
Q 30. Importance of Report Writing
Q 31. Footnotes & Bibliography

Check my YouTube video on Research Methodology for more detail

Advanced Auditing

Q 1. Audit of Certain Payments
Q 2. Audit of Share Capital
Q 3. Audit of Issue of Bonus Share
Q 4. Audit of Forfeiture Share
Q 5. Audit of Share Transfer
Q 6. Sweat Equity Shares
Q 7. Reissue of Shares
Q 8. Right Issue of Share
Q 9. CARO 2016
Q 10. Cost Audit under Companies Act 2013
Q 11. Audit of Assets of Ltd. Companies
Q 12. Proper Books of Accounts
Q 13. Auditing Standard - 200, 200A, 210, 220, 230, 240, 300, 500, 505, 520, 610
Q 14. Expenditure Audit
Q 15. Duties of CAG
Q 16. Internal Auditor
Q 17. Audit of Hospital, Hotels, Club, Educational Institutions
Q 18. Tax Audit
Q 19. Audit of Insurance - Premium Received & Premium Ceded
Q 20. Special Consideration of Insurance Companies
Q 21. Audit of Banking Companies
Q 22. Important Aspects in Audit of Banking Company

Check my YouTube video on Advanced Auditing for more detail

International Marketing

Q 1. International Marketing
Q 2. Features & challenges in International Marketing
Q 3. Trends in International Trade
Q 4. Restraining & driving forces in International Marketing
Q 5. International Forums
Q 6. Methods of payment in International Trade
Q 7. Role of MNC in International Marketing
Q 8. Problem of India's Export Sector
Q 9. International Trade Theory
Q 10. Global Economic Environment
Q 11. Political Environment
Q 12. Legal & Regulatory Environment
Q 13. Technological Environment
Q 14. Social & Cultural Environment
Q 15. Trade Barrier
Q 16. Trading Blocs
Q 17. WTO
Q 18.Role of International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Q 19. International Bank for Reconstruction & Development (IBRD)
Q 20. International Development Association (IDA)
Q 21. International Finance Corporation (IFC)
Q 22. Alternatives for Market Entry Strategy
Q 23. Selection of Markets.
Q 24. Product Decision
Q 25. Pricing Decisions for International Markets
Q 26. Physical Distribution
Q 27. Promotion Strategies
Q 28. Foreign Trade Policy
Q 29. Export - Import Procedure
Q 30. Export Benefits & Incentives
Q 31. Export Financing
Q 32. Export Documentation
Q 33. Bill of Lading
Q 34. Service Exports
Q 35. Special Economic Zones
Q 36. Star Export House

Check my YouTube video on International Marketing for more detail

Organisational Behaviour

Q 1. Nature & Feature of Organisational Behaviour
Q 2. Human Relation Movement
Q 3. Human Behaviour
Q 4. Different Discipline in Development of Organisational Behaviour
Q 5. Hawthorn Experiments
Q 6. Impact of Technology on Organisational Behavior
Q 7. Traditional Organisational design
Q 8. Factors affecting in Organisational Design
Q 9. Need & Significance of Organisational Design
Q 10. Steps in Organisational design
Q 11. Matrix
Q 12. Types of Culture
Q 13. Impact of Culture on Organisational
Q 14. Johari Window
Q 15. Transactional Analysis
Q 16. Life Position
Q 17. Brain Storming
Q 18. Delphi Technique
Q 19. Various Tools of Communication
Q 20. Grapevine
Q 21. Line of Structure
Q 22. Rumors
Q 23. Group Dynamics
Q 24. Types of Groups
Q 25. Reasons responsible for formation of groups
Q 26. team Development
Q 27. Typical/Effective Teams in organisation
Q 28. Formal & Informal Groups
Q 29. Managerial Grid
Q 30. Hersey & Blanchard Situation Model
Q 31. Transactional Leadership
Q 32. Transformational Leadership
Q 33. Personality & Determinants
Q 34. Factors Influencing Individual Differences
Q 35. Role of Personality
Q 36. Type A & Type B Personality
Q 37. Self Esteem
Q 38. Job match the individual Personality
Q 39. Need & Importance of Motivation
Q 40. Theories of Motivation
Q 41. Motivational Techniques
Q 42. Perception
Q 43. Values
Q 44. Empowerment
Q 45. Factor affecting Perception
Q 46. Quality of work life
Q 47. Perceptual Process
Q 48. Types/Sources of Power
Q 49. Tactics used to gain political power
Q 50. Conflict
Q 51. Causes of Conflict
Q 52. Types of Conflict
Q 53. Conflict Resolution
Q 54. Management of Conflict
Q 55. Types of Negotiation Strategies
Q 56. Stress Management
Q 57. Effects of Stress
Q 58. Consequence of Stress
Q 59. Stress & Job Performance
Q 60. Strategies to overcome stress

Check my YouTube video on Organisational Behaviour for more detail

Entrepreneur Management

Q 1. Entrepreneur
Q 2. Entrepreneurship
Q 3. Role of Entrepreneur
Q 4. Essential of successful Entrepreneur
Q 5. Quality of successful Entrepreneur
Q 6. Importance / Significance of Entrepreneurship
Q 7. Factors contributing to Entrepreneur Development
Q 8. Entrepreneur & Innovation
Q 9. Main Psychological Theories
Q 10. Intrapreneur
Q 11. D/B Entrepreneur & Intrapreneur
Q 12. Rural Entrepreneur
Q 13. Business Idea
Q 14. SWOT Analysis
Q 15. Market feasibility Study
Q 16. Product Life Cycle
Q 17. Environmental Analysis
Q 18. Factors affecting external Environment
Q 19. Legal Requirement for establishment of new unit
Q 20. Mode of entry into overseas market
Q 21. Project Report
Q 22. Working Capital
Q 23. Sources of raising working capital
Q 24. Factors determining working capital
Q 25. Factors determining fixed capital
Q 26. Fixed capital
Q 27. Sources of Finance
Q 28. Significance of working capital
Q 29. Capital Structure
Q 30. Incentives & Assistance
Q 31. Entrepreneurial Development Programme (EDP)
Q 32. Entrepreneurial Development Cell
Q 34. Problems & Difficulties faced by Entrepreneur
Q 35. Women Entrepreneur
Q 36. Problem faced by women Entrepreneur
Q 37. Schemes for Women Entrepreneur
Q 38. Measures to Overcome problem.

Check my YouTube video on Entrepreneur Management for more detail

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